Below are the centre's rallying rules as found in the centre's rally book.
BOOKING IN. Booking in for rallies must be to the Rally Officer at least 10 days before the rally. Rally fees must be paid on arrival. A rally plaque will only be ordered if requested on your booking form.
CANCELLATION & NON-ARRIVAL. Ralliers who cancel after the closing date or fail to arrive will be liable for all expenses (including admin fees) incurred on their behalf.
COMMENCEMENT. Weekend rallies will commence on Friday at 4.00pm unless otherwise stated.
SITING. All ralliers should report to the Rally Officer and site their outfit as indicated by the Rally Officer.
SANITATION. Own sanitation must be provided at rallies. Facilities for disposal of chemical effluent will normally be provided. ON NO ACCOUNT MUST TOILETS OR ANYTHING ELSE BE SERVICED UNDER THE DRINKING WATER TAP.
DRY WASTE. Ralliers must make provision for the storage and removal of all dry waste and ensure that their pitches are left clean and tidy on departure.
GREY WATER. Grey water must be collected in a suitable container and disposed of in the appropriate manner or as specified by the rally officers.
SAFETY ON THE RALLY FIELD. All incidents resulting in injury to persons should be reported to the Rally Officer on the day the incident happened. On the rally field ralliers must not;
CONTROL OF JUNIORS. Parents are at all times responsible for the actions and behaviour of their children.
PETS. For the safety and comfort of our ralliers, all pets must be kept under full control by a responsible person at all times and when outside of the caravan must be on a lead not exceeding 10 feet. Pets are not allowed in party tents or at social events. Please pick all dog mess up.
GENERATORS. Generators are not permitted on the rally field without the prior permission of the Rally Officer. Use should be restricted to a maximum of 2 hours, between the hours of 10.00am and 4.00pm and not left unattended.
VISITORS. Ralliers must ensure that anybody visiting has reported to the rally officer upon arrival.
TOWING OFF. If in the rally officer’s opinion, conditions prevail due to inclement weather are such that it is preferable for units to be towed off the site then ralliers are to abide by that decision. Any towing off will be at owners’ risk.
FLAGS. In the event of inclement weather, members are requested to avoid unnecessary use of vehicles. In the event of possible damage to the site the rally officers may restrict the movement of vehicles by flying a YELLOW FLAG from the flagpole.
NOISE. For the comfort of others, it is requested that ralliers curtail noise levels at 11.00pm until 8.00am. Please be aware that others may wish to retire at this time.
COUNTRY CODE. Ralliers should conduct themselves in a manner consistent with the Country Code.
TENTS. No tents, except toilet tents may not be erected without prior consent of the Rally Officer.
Rally goers may be asked to produce current membership cards at rallies.
The Rally Officers are entitled to request any ralliers disobeying these rules or grossly misbehaving to leave the field.