Rally Officer Notes

Thank you for running a rally during the year.  We hope the following notes will be of some assistance to you.

Prior to the Rally.

Approximately 3 weeks before the rally, please contact the land owner to confirm that everything is ok for your rally.  This will also act as a reminder for him we are coming and also to remove any livestock from the field in good time (if necessary).  Also please confirm the location of the water supply and the Elsan disposal point.

Plaques must be ordered at a minimum 2 weeks prior to the rally and will be in the colour decided by the committee for the rally year.  Special Plaques may be ordered, but only with prior agreement of the committee.  Plaques can all be ordered from F.M Tags by completing their online order form and emailing it to plaques@fm-tags.com or by sending it to them by post to FM-Tags Ltd, Unit 5B Vallance By-ways, Lowfield Heath Road, Charlwood,Horley. RH6 0BT.  Telephone orders will not be accepted.

All rallies officially open at 16:00 hours, but it is your decision if you wish to allow rally goers in earlier.

Please give a special welcome to new rally goers and visitors and introduce them to their neighbours.  Also notify the Chairman, Secretary or other Committee member, where they are sited.

Rally Returns

Please complete the Rally Return Form and Attendance Sheet and return them along with all rally slips within 7 days to the Treasurer, including all cancellations and non-attendees.  These will already have been passed to you, but you can also download additional forms from this page.

Please arrange for collection of the rally equipment prior to the rally.  Check the equipment against the checklist, if any items are missing or damaged, note this on the form and sign accordingly and return this form with your paperwork.   At the end of your rally it is the responsibility of the next Rally Officer’s to collect the equipment from you.  If there are any issues regarding equipment please contact the equipment officer.

Any additional equipment that you may require will need to be collected from the stores, and as such you will need to contact the equipment officer to arrange this.

A few important Rules to remember are:

Animals must be on a lead of no more than 10 feet on the Rally field and exercised on the perimeter of the field or as instructed by the landowner.

A speed limit of 5 miles per hour must be observed.

Excessive noise, loud radio and television will be avoided at any hour when it would reasonably annoy others.

Games, particularly ball games, and kite flying are not allowed in the vicinity of the caravans.  If space allows an area could be set-aside for this.

At the end of the Rally ensure the field is left as clean as, or cleaner than when we arrived.

Finally we trust that you will enjoy running the rally, and thank you for giving your time and effort to the centre and I hope that you will volunteer to run another rally in the near future.

The Committee,
Bedfordshire Centre.